同門的Ozone、柏霖、韋禮安、張若凡、彭佳慧、熊仔前晚出席2023 Hito風行音樂頒獎儀式,個中張若凡帶來「守候被理解的人」一曲,主角好友「草莓」日進步入加護病房,讓她格外難熬痛苦,示意草莓已從加護病房轉至一般病房,但未來還有很長的復健之路,「希望大家一路集氣、加油。
★ 三立新聞網提示您:
For those who are in good fortune during “Grain Solar”, especially with people who belong to the five constellations of Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, and Aquarius, dreams are particularly easy to fulfill, and there is a tendency to get promoted and make a fortune. Please grasp the luck you have.
Ozone則將「One And Only」演唱會精華進級版搬上舞台,技擊擔當文廷為了舞台效果,一口氣空翻2次掀起飛騰,哲言也笑說:「有很多前輩跟舊日好戰友都到現場,相信各人都是有備而來,所以我們也不克不及輸!」
The solar terms will enter “Grain Solar” next Tuesday (6/6), and good things will come one after another. Master Chiu Yenlung, an international expert in Feng Shui and numerology, pointed out that although there is still a short-term problem of Rahu conjunct Jupiter square Venus respectively, but because Venus moves fast, this phenomena will end around June 16, and in exchange for a good time of more than 3 months. Please grasp your own timing and good luck.
✎Chinese Version: 運欠好嗎?命理師:2023是『8艮』運最後一年 把握來歲換運
By Master Chiu Yanlong
▲Mater Yenlung Chiu said that there are five constellations in good fortune during "Grain Solar". (Photo saurce: Pixabay)
Master Chiu Yenlung reminded that each fortune will last for 20 years, and 2023 happens to be the last year of the "three yuan nine luck" "8 Good". If you always feel that your fortune is not good, then 2024 will be transformed into new fortune. Because 2024 is the beginning of “Jiuli” (from Tai Chi Bagua), as long as you maintain a positive and bright mind during this period, it will be the only way to achieve prosperity in the next 20 years.
Are you out of luck? Numerologist: 2023 is the last year of "8 Good" luck, grasp the change of luck next year
以上談吐及圖片僅供參考,不代表本台立場。 Master Chiu Yenlung said that the phenomena between June 6 and June 16 is not necessarily a bad thing, because it means that the influence of the country, region, and even the entire world environment will be directed towards new public opinion, especially in elections and legislation. At the same time, banks, stock markets, securities, materials, and industry and commerce will also be reformed in the direction of positive expansion. As for fraud and forgery, all the immorality that has been hidden for a long time will break out one after another.
據《鏡報》報導,盧克(Luke Williams)大學時研讀建築和丈量,2020年6月卒業後,就到建築工地工作,但他很快發現本身賺的錢不敷付帳單,便起頭在eBay上出售舊手機,每月可以多賺1000英鎊(約3.8萬新台幣),無意偶爾間他發現了亞馬遜物流(FBA)電商,「發現到我可以從批發商那采辦商品,也可以進行銷售」。
最新最快股市資訊都在👉 https://bit.ly/3SUnYeB
In addition, Master Chiu Yenlung quoted the hexagram "Yilin Tunzhi Xiaoguo": "Madness and recklessness, deceit and confusion." Lost and lost, don't know north and south. 』To illustrate that during the “Grain Solar”period, it is necessary to plan and execute work step-by-step. Don’t be fooled by villains, and should act in a down-to-earth manner, so that you won’t be like a headless chicken, wandering around and getting scammed.
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▲Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)
文章來自: https://stars.udn.com/star/story/10092/7212730?from=udn-catenewnews_ch1022,https://www.setn.com/News