If you’re at the stage of dreaming about a reno or exploring ideas, these small choices are a good place to start to warm your heart and set you up to truly enjoy winter indoors.
Disney+ Hotstar為迪士尼印度(The Walt Disney Company India)所有,並由Star India營運的定閱影音隨選串流服務。
THE GREAT (WARM) OUTDOORS: In winter, it’s tempting to shut the door against the world and stay under your doona, never venturing past your front door unless you have to. But now we’ve been sheltering inside for so long, staying inside has us bored to tears! So this winter, make the most of your outdoor spaces with simple reno ideas that’ll see you actually use them. Think about connecting to Natural Gas so your BBQ never runs low, expand your outdoor area with instant gas heating, and take the chill out of the water so you can keep using your pool all year round! If you only use your pool a few weeks a year, now’s a good time to investigate natural gas pool heating (and other offers on heaters, BBQs and more), since the beaches and public pools are closed.
憑據Google、淡馬錫控股(Temasek Holdings)與貝恩策略參謀公司(Bain & Company)指出,2019年東南亞地域定閱音樂與影音的總營收達6億美元(約新台幣176億元),不過研究顯示,至2025年,年營收可擴大至30億美元。